SnippetController :: snippetAction


GET Parameters

Key Value

POST Parameters

No POST parameters

Uploaded Files

No files were uploaded

Request Attributes

Key Value
App\Controller\SnippetController {#3074
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/TemplateWrapper.php"
    "line" => 35
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Environment.php"
    "line" => 306
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 258
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 81
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 266
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
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    "class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Pimcore\Controller\Controller"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 163
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    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/public/index.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 153
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/EcommerceFrameworkBundle/SessionEnvironment.php"
    "line" => 91
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/EcommerceFrameworkBundle/Environment.php"
    "line" => 241
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 27
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    "class" => "Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\Environment"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/EcommerceFrameworkBundle/DependencyInjection/ServiceLocator/TenantAwareServiceLocator.php"
    "line" => 78
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/EcommerceFrameworkBundle/DependencyInjection/ServiceLocator/TenantAwareServiceLocator.php"
    "line" => 63
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/EcommerceFrameworkBundle/FilterService/FilterServiceLocator.php"
    "line" => 27
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/EcommerceFrameworkBundle/Factory.php"
    "line" => 271
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Document/Areabrick/Filter.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/ContainerOxQzeZS/getApp_Area_Brick_FilterService.php"
    "line" => 30
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    "class" => "App\Document\Areabrick\Filter"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/ContainerOxQzeZS/App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php"
    "line" => 1255
    "function" => "do"
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Container.php"
    "line" => 427
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Argument/ServiceLocator.php"
    "line" => 42
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Extension/Document/Areabrick/AreabrickManager.php"
    "line" => 182
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Extension/Document/Areabrick/AreabrickManager.php"
    "line" => 207
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Extension/Document/Areabrick/AreabrickManager.php"
    "line" => 141
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Document/Editable/EditableHandler.php"
    "line" => 177
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/models/Document/Editable/Areablock.php"
    "line" => 533
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 118
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/EditableRenderer.php"
    "line" => 142
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 100
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
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    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 65
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    "type" => "::"
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    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 163
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    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/public/index.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 125
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php"
    "line" => 118
    "function" => "onKernelResponse"
    "class" => "Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\EventListener\Frontend\TrackingCodeFlashMessageListener"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 230
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 59
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 154
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 196
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 184
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpCache/SubRequestHandler.php"
    "line" => 86
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/InlineFragmentRenderer.php"
    "line" => 80
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 85
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DependencyInjection/LazyLoadingFragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 49
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelRuntime.php"
    "line" => 46
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 58
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 150
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 125
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/Templating/Inc.php"
    "line" => 62
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 207
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    "type" => "->"
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    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 437
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    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
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    "line" => 1919
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    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 65
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    "type" => "::"
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    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
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    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 258
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 81
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 266
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    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 163
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    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/public/index.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/RequestDataCollector.php"
    "line" => 72
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/Profiler.php"
    "line" => 161
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ProfilerListener.php"
    "line" => 108
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php"
    "line" => 118
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 230
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 59
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 154
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 196
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 184
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpCache/SubRequestHandler.php"
    "line" => 86
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 80
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 85
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 49
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelRuntime.php"
    "line" => 46
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 58
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 150
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 125
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/Templating/Inc.php"
    "line" => 62
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 207
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 107
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 1919
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 65
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 60
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 364
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 35
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 306
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    "class" => "Twig\TemplateWrapper"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 258
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 81
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 266
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
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    "class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Pimcore\Controller\Controller"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 163
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    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/RequestDataCollector.php"
    "line" => 73
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/Profiler.php"
    "line" => 161
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ProfilerListener.php"
    "line" => 108
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php"
    "line" => 118
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 230
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 59
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 154
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 196
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 184
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpCache/SubRequestHandler.php"
    "line" => 86
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/InlineFragmentRenderer.php"
    "line" => 80
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 85
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DependencyInjection/LazyLoadingFragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 49
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelRuntime.php"
    "line" => 46
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/ActionRenderer.php"
    "line" => 58
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 150
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 125
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/Templating/Inc.php"
    "line" => 62
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 207
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 107
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 73
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php"
    "line" => 1919
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 65
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    "type" => "::"
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    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 60
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    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
    "line" => 56
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 349
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 364
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    "line" => 35
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Environment.php"
    "line" => 306
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    "line" => 258
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 81
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 266
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
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    "class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Pimcore\Controller\Controller"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 163
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    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/public/index.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/RequestDataCollector.php"
    "line" => 74
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/Profiler.php"
    "line" => 161
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ProfilerListener.php"
    "line" => 108
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php"
    "line" => 118
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 230
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 59
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 154
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 196
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 184
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpCache/SubRequestHandler.php"
    "line" => 86
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/InlineFragmentRenderer.php"
    "line" => 80
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 85
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment\InlineFragmentRenderer"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DependencyInjection/LazyLoadingFragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 49
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelRuntime.php"
    "line" => 46
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\LazyLoadingFragmentHandler"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/ActionRenderer.php"
    "line" => 58
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 150
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 125
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/Templating/Inc.php"
    "line" => 62
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 207
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 107
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php"
    "line" => 1919
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 65
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    "type" => "::"
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    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 60
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 364
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    "type" => "->"
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 306
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 258
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 81
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 266
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Pimcore\Controller\Controller"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 163
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    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 36
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 75
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/Profiler.php"
    "line" => 161
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 108
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php"
    "line" => 118
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 230
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 59
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 154
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 196
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 184
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 86
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 80
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 85
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 49
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelRuntime.php"
    "line" => 46
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 58
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 150
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 125
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/Templating/Inc.php"
    "line" => 62
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 207
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 107
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 437
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 73
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 1919
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 65
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 60
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
    "line" => 56
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 349
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 364
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    "line" => 35
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 306
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 258
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    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 81
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 266
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
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    "class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Pimcore\Controller\Controller"
    "type" => "->"
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    "line" => 163
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    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/public/index.php"
    "line" => 36
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DataCollector/RequestDataCollector.php"
    "line" => 76
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/Profiler.php"
    "line" => 161
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/EventListener/ProfilerListener.php"
    "line" => 108
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\Profiler"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/WrappedListener.php"
    "line" => 118
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 230
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/EventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 59
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/event-dispatcher/Debug/TraceableEventDispatcher.php"
    "line" => 154
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 196
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 184
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpCache/SubRequestHandler.php"
    "line" => 86
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    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/InlineFragmentRenderer.php"
    "line" => 80
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    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Fragment/FragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 85
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/DependencyInjection/LazyLoadingFragmentHandler.php"
    "line" => 49
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/twig-bridge/Extension/HttpKernelRuntime.php"
    "line" => 46
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/ActionRenderer.php"
    "line" => 58
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 150
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Templating/Renderer/IncludeRenderer.php"
    "line" => 125
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    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Twig/Extension/Templating/Inc.php"
    "line" => 62
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    "class" => "Pimcore\Templating\Renderer\IncludeRenderer"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 207
    "function" => "__invoke"
    "class" => "Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\Inc"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 437
    "function" => "block_footer"
    "class" => "__TwigTemplate_82212cb4d8c53ffa03421c636220bd17"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 107
    "function" => "yieldBlock"
    "class" => "Twig\Template"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 437
    "function" => "block_body"
    "class" => "__TwigTemplate_82212cb4d8c53ffa03421c636220bd17"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 73
    "function" => "yieldBlock"
    "class" => "Twig\Template"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Extension/CoreExtension.php"
    "line" => 1919
    "function" => "{closure}"
    "class" => "__TwigTemplate_7a3dab07ad1dc403ce3759d2d5a32af7"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/a0/a080865fd5ee082d9a27a2942c9a593d.php"
    "line" => 65
    "function" => "captureOutput"
    "class" => "Twig\Extension\CoreExtension"
    "type" => "::"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
    "function" => "doDisplay"
    "class" => "__TwigTemplate_7a3dab07ad1dc403ce3759d2d5a32af7"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/76/761ef4b9141aec4f32f108fbaf9008de.php"
    "line" => 60
    "function" => "yield"
    "class" => "Twig\Template"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
    "function" => "doDisplay"
    "class" => "__TwigTemplate_82212cb4d8c53ffa03421c636220bd17"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/var/cache/dev/twig/84/84ffefb8007520c255234b3f430af738.php"
    "line" => 56
    "function" => "yield"
    "class" => "Twig\Template"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 393
    "function" => "doDisplay"
    "class" => "__TwigTemplate_791c6b6d19e9e3d9cdc481652c9f5e6b"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 349
    "function" => "yield"
    "class" => "Twig\Template"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Template.php"
    "line" => 364
    "function" => "display"
    "class" => "Twig\Template"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/TemplateWrapper.php"
    "line" => 35
    "function" => "render"
    "class" => "Twig\Template"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/twig/twig/src/Environment.php"
    "line" => 306
    "function" => "render"
    "class" => "Twig\TemplateWrapper"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 258
    "function" => "render"
    "class" => "Twig\Environment"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 81
    "function" => "renderView"
    "class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Controller/AbstractController.php"
    "line" => 266
    "function" => "renderView"
    "class" => "Pimcore\Controller\Controller"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/Controller/Controller.php"
    "line" => 43
    "function" => "render"
    "class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/src/Controller/DefaultController.php"
    "line" => 36
    "function" => "render"
    "class" => "Pimcore\Controller\Controller"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 163
    "function" => "defaultAction"
    "class" => "App\Controller\DefaultController"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php"
    "line" => 75
    "function" => "handleRaw"
    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php"
    "line" => 202
    "function" => "handle"
    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
    "type" => "->"
    "file" => "/var/www/stage/public/index.php"
    "line" => 36
    "function" => "handle"
    "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
    "type" => "->"



No flash messages were created.

Server Parameters

Server Parameters

Defined in .env

Key Value

Defined as regular env variables

Key Value
"gzip, br, zstd, deflate"
"Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;"
"<address>Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443</address>\n"
"Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)"

Parent Request

Return to parent request (token = 4c2157)

Key Value
App\Controller\DefaultController {#2272
  #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#2274 …}
  "_locale" => "de_DE"
Pimcore\Model\Site {#1688
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  rootDocument: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#1687 …}
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Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#2016
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        \t<p><strong>Leistungsstarker Versicherungsschutz</strong><br />\n
        \t<span class="e-normal">Bis zu 50 Mio. Euro&nbsp;Deckungssumme für Personenschäden, Sachschäden und Vermögensschäden ohne versteckte Selbstbehalte</span></p>\n
        \t<p><strong>Familienmitglieder ebenfalls abgesichert</strong><br />\n
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        \t<p><strong>Weltweite Gültigkeit</strong><br />\n
        \t<span class="e-normal">Mit der MVK genießen Sie und Ihr Pferd auch während eines vorübergehenden Auslandsaufenthalts Versicherungsschutz.</span></p>\n
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        \t<span class="e-normal">Bis zu 50 Mio. Euro&nbsp;Deckungssumme für Personenschäden, Sachschäden und Vermögensschäden ohne versteckte Selbstbehalte</span></p>\n
        \t<p><strong>Familienmitglieder ebenfalls abgesichert</strong><br />\n
        \t<span class="e-normal">Unsere Pferdehalterhaftpflichtversicherung schließt Familienmitglieder mit ein, ferner Tierhüter und sog. „Reitbeteiligungen“.</span></p>\n
        \t<p><strong>Weltweite Gültigkeit</strong><br />\n
        \t<span class="e-normal">Mit der MVK genießen Sie und Ihr Pferd auch während eines vorübergehenden Auslandsaufenthalts Versicherungsschutz.</span></p>\n
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          \t<p><strong>Familienmitglieder ebenfalls abgesichert</strong><br />\n
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          \t<p><strong>Weltweite Gültigkeit</strong><br />\n
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          \t<p><strong>Leistungsstarker Versicherungsschutz</strong><br />\n
          \t<span class="e-normal">Bis zu 50 Mio. Euro&nbsp;Deckungssumme für Personenschäden, Sachschäden und Vermögensschäden ohne versteckte Selbstbehalte</span></p>\n
          \t<p><strong>Familienmitglieder ebenfalls abgesichert</strong><br />\n
          \t<span class="e-normal">Unsere Pferdehalterhaftpflichtversicherung schließt Familienmitglieder mit ein, ferner Tierhüter und sog. „Reitbeteiligungen“.</span></p>\n
          \t<p><strong>Weltweite Gültigkeit</strong><br />\n
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